Thursday, December 11, 2008

Six Figure incomes for posting YouTube videos...Interested?

YouTube Videos Pull in Real Money - NY Times

The above article was on the front page of the NY Times this morning. It talks about how YouTube members are now able to embed advertising into their videos and post them on the web to earn big revenue dollars. This is the wave of the future. Individuals around the world are now able to tap into the extreme powers of the internet to make a living like never before. Average YouTuber's post funny and entertaining video clips that they have captured on digital cameras for their friends to view on the web. Now, it's possible for someone to do this full-time, and make a great living at the same time. Talk about living the dream...

So, what do you think? New career opportunity for you? How old do you have to be to earn revenue? Do you need any special education? How much time do you think it would take to be a successful YouTube producer? Is there any initial investment involved? Blog your reactions...

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