Thursday, November 5, 2009

If you could change...

one rule at HHS what would it be and why?


  1. In all honesty...
    I just wanna be able to wear my hat whenever I please. I know that wont happen. But I really dont see who that hurts.

  2. I agree with Ryan... hats are a part of our individuality, like i sayd in my student council speech "It's not like a hat is gonna get mutatted and jump out at you and eat you alive"...

  3. i agree even though i dont wear hats i still think people should be able to its not hurting anyone like sofia said

  4. maybe wearing a hat was disrespectful in the past, but this is the present and in our genoration hats should be alowed in our school. think about it, in the year 2010 how often do you see someone with their hat on in a resturaunt. if you pay attentioin you will see it alot. hats are just like any other thing we wear and i vote that we should be able to wear hem in school

  5. I agree with sofia. lol that is true.
