Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Rich get richer...

The richest 1% percent of America owns close to 40% of our entire wealth. This distribution of wealth seems extremely disproportionate. Many believe that the rich are simply getting richer, and poor are simply getting poorer. 1 out of 3 Americans lives below the poverty line. 1 out of 6 Americans are starving, and don't know where their next meal will come from.

These numbers are shocking for many, but what can we do to change this? Ponder this question for a few mins. and come to some conclusions. Does something need to change? Do the citizens of America need to act, or is this the responsibility of the govt? Should we rely on the govt to do something? Can you come up with an idea that could make a difference and change disproportionate distribution of wealth in this country?

ps...just to prove to you just how rich some people are becoming,

This guy spent more on one lunch than I earn for an entire year as a teacher.


  1. That is insane! Why in the first place would some one charge that much money for food, and second I wouldnt pay that much for food!

  2. it must be nice to afford a lunch that costs that much. paying that much for food is crazy.i would never even think about paying that much.

  3. ohly cow!! if i had that much money i would be one happy kid. i think thats to much for one lunch. thats way to uch money for food

  4. If that is lunch how much is dinner?

  5. thats alot for 2 beers is what i ment
