Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Teens and Drinking

Click on this link to the Washington Post story about teens and binge drinking...

First, read the above article, then create a blog post discussing the article and the following questions.

What do you think?  Are you surprised by the article?  Is binge drinking a problem?  Do you see this type of drinking happening at your school?  Does it worry you that a teen dies every 5 hours from drinking?  Were you aware of the consequences that binge drinking poses on the teenage brain?  Will this article change your own behavior and use of alcohol?  Why or Why not?


  1. I think binge drinking is a problem.But i do not think this is a particular problem at our school but then again i dont talk to everyone in the school.it does wory me that a teen dies every 5 hours it is a sad thing. personaly i dont have any problem with alcohol if i did though i would not drink myself to death i would get help.This article is very suprising to me i had no idea that it was even a problem.I had no idea that alcohol had an efect on a teen brain.

  2. I think binge drink it is a stupid. It will change my life.

  3. I think this really wakes you up to the reality of how alcohol affects you. I am really suprised on how many kids drink that much at such a young age. binge drinking I think might be one of the biggest problems with todays youth. This does worry me because someday I might be affected by someone elses choices and have to call a ambulance or even worse watch them die. I was aware that it affects you but not to that extent. Yes, this will because I dont want to be one of the five that die every hour from drinking to much.

  4. I think that this is a big problem and people should be more aware of the issue. I am surprised about the numbers of kids underage that drink heavily. yes binge drinking is i problem but i do not believe it is a bigissue at our school but you never know. it worrys me that 1 teen dies every 5 hours from excessive drinking. if it were someone i knew and loved it would horrible so i think that binge drinking is something that needs to be helped. this article will change how i look at alcohol and deffiently how i use it for the better.

  5. I believe what i already said in my blog. I think people should have their freedom of choice and that they can do what they want.
