Wednesday, December 8, 2010

To tax or not to tax?

As you may or may not be aware - President Obama recently announced plans to extend Bush era tax cuts, a deal that would benefit businesses, the unemployed, and individuals.

Click this link

and read about the tax cuts.

Your mission is to write a blog about these tax cuts.  What do these cuts mean for you?  What do they mean for the wealthy?  For the poor?  For businesses?  Are you in favor of these cuts?  Why or why not?  What are the potential consequences of these cuts?  What is the downside of less taxes?  What is the upside?  Are you happy about these tax cut extensions?  Were you surprised that Obama decided to keep the Bush era cuts in place?

Give this issue some thought and blog about it today.  Create one blog entry of your own - then respond to at least 5 of your classmates blog posts with thoughtful questions.


  1. i think that taxes should not and it deepends if there is a depression if there is taxes will drop till the depression is over. the tax cut will help you out in the future

  2. i think that the tax cut is gonna be helpful
    for people that are struggling and it will also be helpful to anybody.

  3. WOW... well, i hate economics and goverment so i dont really have much to say, besides... it deffenatly affects me, in a good way and a bad way. good because my parents have more money to spend on me ;)... bad because my school dosnt have anymoney to spend on better edu, cool stuff!

  4. i think the tax cut will help people with less money

  5. i think they should stop helipng the rich and do somthing for the poor. the rich dont nned all that money for nothing i think they should give it to the people in need.

  6. i think that they should stop helping the rich and do more for the poor. because really y does the rich need more money??? but it helps buisness so i think they should do something to help the poor and buisness. Rich people dont really need more money.

  7. i think it would help out the people who dont have alot of money.

  8. id ont really know because i dont really pay attention to taxes. this is not a good thing for the poor people and for the wealthy this is a good thing, but the wealthy dont need anymore money. for businesses its a great thing. NO im not in favor of these cuts because i dont think the rich need more money. the rich people will become richer and tyhe poor will become poorer. businesses will be able to make better things. yeah i was surprised.

  9. i think that the way the economy is that it will help out a lot to have tax cuts.

  10. I think that it is good for buisness but i dont think that the rich need more money i think that the goverment should focus more on the poor
