Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Wikipedia defines censorship as "...the suppression of speech or deletion of communicative material which may be considered objectionable, harmful or sensitive, as determined by a censor."

Our school district currently has in place a filter on the internet that blocks a large percentage of sites from viewing. All computers in the district are subject to these blocks, including teacher computers.

Do school districts have a responsibility to parents and the local community to filter the internet?

Is the current level of censorship too harsh?

Do the current blocks impede student learning? If yes, how? If no, why not?

Are you in favor of more or less censorship and why? If not, what are your suggestions for change?


  1. I think that the censorship on the websites shold be way less because i hate it when im trying to research on a topic like Hitler for a class and i do really bad on that topic cause i don't have enough info.

  2. This year I have been trying to request some sites for either yearbook or web design and they aren't block nor do I get a responds why. It's pretty lame! Most of the sites don't need to be blocked. COME ON GIVE US SOME FREEDOM!!

  3. they are way too harsh! last year for a power point in health i couldnt even get a picture of a meth lab! its ridiculous
