Monday, October 27, 2008

Red Ribbon Week

What is Red Ribbon week? Click to find out more about the pledge.

As many of you know, today is the start of Red Ribbon week. Our Red Ribbon activities were kicked off on Thursday of last week with a special guest speaker, Jeff Yaldin. What did you think of Jeff's presentation? What was his message? Was Jeff's speech inspirational to you? Why or why not?

Think about what Red Ribbon week means to you, and talk about some things that you will personally do to help the cause. Do you have friends or know people that have problems with alcohol or drugs? Do you have a problem with any of these things? What will you do this week? Will you take the drug/alcohol free pledge?

Do you think there is a problem in this school with illegal drugs or alcohol? What about with legal drugs? Are students abusing prescription medication like pain killers or anti-depressants?

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