Monday, October 13, 2008


From Wikipedia... "Dance is an art form that generally refers to movement of the body, usually rhythmic and to music, used as a form of expression, social interaction or presented in a spiritual or performance setting."

Today's world of MTV and Hip Hop music has shaped the dancing of an entire generation. Walk into any high school party in America and you'll likely find a number of kids "bumping and grinding" on the dance floor. This dance can be seen just about anytime you turn on MTV and check out the latest music video or at the countless music concerts and festivals across the country everyday. Although this dance is very widespread and common to today's youth, it may be considered inappropriate and offensive to earlier generations, especially the parents of these kids.

Do students have a right to freely express themselves through the art of dancing?

Should their be restrictions on the specific type of dancing that they are allowed to engage in during school sponsered activites such as the prom?

How do you feel about a school banning "grinding" at school dances?

Do schools have a responsibility to parents to not allow grinding?

Do you think this infringes upon any of your rights as Americans?


  1. I think that it shoudl be allowed. Idk about other schools but i bet mother school prob grind at dances. If not at school dances but atleast at prom.

  2. Yes i think that it should not be banned couse its a freedom of expression, parents arnt used to the "new generation"

  3. Dance is a person's freedom of expression! I understand we are students which means we have very little human rights to begin with( the school tells us what to wear, how to act, and what to say and we have to obey) but this seems over the top. I realize that there are some things and dances that are innappropriate and should not be allowed in a school setting but what we do is not over the top. In fact the only people who truly could have a problem with it would be parents. THIS SHOULD BE A PROBLEM BETWEEN PARENTS AND CHILDREN!!! Unfortunately parents could blame the school because we put the dance on. I'm gonna call shananigans! Parents need to get over it and talk with their children on what should be appropriate. With that established the school has no worries and we can get our freedom of expression back.

  4. i think its not the students fault for what they have learned. the teens learn this from going to school. parents try to keep it from there kids but once they let them go off to school and make friends they learn new things. also the parents really cant say much cause they all did it when they were teens.
