Monday, February 22, 2010

For women in America, equality is still an illusion...

What do you think? Read this article from the Washington Post. 

Is equality still an illusion for women in this country?

What about this school? 

Have you ever witnessed a woman being discriminated against? What did you do about it?  

Have you ever been a victim or participated yourself in this type of behavior? 

Why do you think this still happens, even in the year 2010?

1 comment:

  1. I most deffinatly do belive this still happens. Being sort of feminist and a target of this issue has braught me to belive that wemen are a lesser part of this scociaty. not by much, but "men" still tell me to go to the kitchen and make them a sandwitch. Of course i know they are kidding and don't do anything about it... but that's just another problem
