Tuesday, February 2, 2010


"In 2002 the global value of the games industry was a little over $20 billion. By 2008 it was $50 billion. Market analysts believe the total value of the industry by 2012 will hit $70 billion. Last year 27% of every US entertainment dollar was spent on videogames, and those games were played by 58% of the US population aged 13 and over. That’s an increase of six million gamers in one year in America alone"

"Game jobs you may already qualifty for"

Clearly, the video game industry is booming.  The exert above illustrates this with astounishing and possibly surprising numbers.  What do you think?  Please click on the above link and read the article about careers in video games.  Have you ever considered a career in video games?  Did you realize how many different aspects there are to the video game industry?  These could the hottest jobs of the 21st century, and if your lucky, you might find yourself playing and creating games for a living.  So, next time your parents or teachers tell you to study more and play less, fill them in on the reality of the video game world, or at least virtual reality :)


1 comment:

  1. i am personaly a realy big gamer. the main games i play is the metal gear series and the call of duty series. i think metal gear teaches us many things and when people relize this they tell there friends and pass on more and more playeres. call of duty has become realy popular because of its amazing graphics and addicting online play. so the gaming industry spreads because of technolagy and passing things on.
