Thursday, February 18, 2010


So, do you ever look in the corners of classrooms? What do you think about this story? How many times a day is the average person on camera?


  1. i think that depends on how public u are. for instance i stay at home a lot so im probly not on camras that much. and also people listen in to your conversation on the phone. talk about an invasion of privacy. so it all depends on what you do and where.

  2. I think that they should not spy on students it is wrong and not cool they should trust us with the technology they provide us but we should also trust our selves with the technology also our second amenment right i think is the right to privacy but most people think this applys every where but it does not on any public ground i learned this a couple weeks ago but also if they dont trust us they should eather confrunt us or block the websites that are bad not spy on us if they spy on us in the class rooms that leads me to belive that that is not the only place they are spying on us where els do they have cameras locker rooms, bathrooms, do they watch us at home to!!!if they do it is off public property and that is illigal it is not right and should NOT be done i do not like the fact that they do this or did this
