Thursday, December 9, 2010


One of the most educational and inspirational things you could ever do in your life is to travel the world.  Experiencing new cultures, meeting new people, and getting a new perspective on the world is undoubtedly the best way to learn, grow, and flourish as people. 

You are probably under the impression that you just can't afford to travel.  Times are tough, and there just isn't much leftover cash to go globe trekking.  Well, think again.  Check out this link Travel for free.  What do you think?  Is it feasible?   Would you ever want to give this a try?  What would be more fulfilling and educational, a year of travel or a year of college?  Why?

Economy of Blogging


Check out the above info-graphic about the blogging world.  Now that you are all official bloggers, what are your thoughts about the experience?  Will you keep blogging after this class?  Do you see it as a potential income stream for you in the future? 

Say what?

I'm sure just about all of you have used headphones with an ipod or computer recently.  Read the following article, What's that? , and blog about it.  Will it change how you listen to music?  Are you worried about going deaf someday? 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

To tax or not to tax?

As you may or may not be aware - President Obama recently announced plans to extend Bush era tax cuts, a deal that would benefit businesses, the unemployed, and individuals.

Click this link

and read about the tax cuts.

Your mission is to write a blog about these tax cuts.  What do these cuts mean for you?  What do they mean for the wealthy?  For the poor?  For businesses?  Are you in favor of these cuts?  Why or why not?  What are the potential consequences of these cuts?  What is the downside of less taxes?  What is the upside?  Are you happy about these tax cut extensions?  Were you surprised that Obama decided to keep the Bush era cuts in place?

Give this issue some thought and blog about it today.  Create one blog entry of your own - then respond to at least 5 of your classmates blog posts with thoughtful questions.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Teens and Drinking

Click on this link to the Washington Post story about teens and binge drinking...

First, read the above article, then create a blog post discussing the article and the following questions.

What do you think?  Are you surprised by the article?  Is binge drinking a problem?  Do you see this type of drinking happening at your school?  Does it worry you that a teen dies every 5 hours from drinking?  Were you aware of the consequences that binge drinking poses on the teenage brain?  Will this article change your own behavior and use of alcohol?  Why or Why not?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Why Does Every Store in Japan Have Orange Balls at the Counter?

What do you think about this story?  Please click on the link, read the story, and respond in your own words in your blog.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Keeping on the same theme... take a look at this interesting chart...

Any thoughts or explanations?

Why is the ratio different in different parts of the world?  How would you explain this?  Is it just luck, or is something else happening? 

Also, take a look at the 4 graphs at the bottom that breaks down the ratio by age group?  Notice anything?

For women in America, equality is still an illusion...

What do you think? Read this article from the Washington Post. 

Is equality still an illusion for women in this country?

What about this school? 

Have you ever witnessed a woman being discriminated against? What did you do about it?  

Have you ever been a victim or participated yourself in this type of behavior? 

Why do you think this still happens, even in the year 2010?